Friday, October 24, 2008

Orang Pencen Pergi Masjid.

Pensioners in their late 50s have no where else to go for a good time when the evening comes down on a day and so they put on a baju jawi, kain pelikat empat ribu benang and a ppioh to head to the neighborhood masjid for solat jema'ah. After the Maghrib prayer, they perform solat sunat ba'diyatan and hang around the masjid to listen to a ceramah by a young ustaz fresh out of a university in Jordan or Mesir. If the ustaz doesn't turn up, they get together in a group to talk about everything that's wrong with the world - especially 'anak-anak muda kita yang semakin hari semakin runtuh moral akibat terlalu rakus merangkul budaya kuning yang dipopularkan di kaca-kaca TV.'
They have a complaint for everything that moved, and for everything that comes in color, or black and white. Everything is wrong. The government for not implementing the Hudud. Police for not taking enough effort to curb the rise of the crime rate in the neighborhood and the country. George Soros (again), the source of our sorrows. I can't list all their complaints here as this will give you the impression that I am one of them. How could I be one of them when I'm only 12 - baru akil baligh.
A young man walks in to perform his Maghrib prayer, and the pensioners have something to say about him. His T-shirt is too colorful. His hair is too long. His jeans are not suitable for a masjid. His takbir is too long. His sujud is not straight.
I can't listen to all this and so I move to a quiet corner of the masjid to memorize a surah which I have been trying to do since the beginning of this year. Being a benok because my heart has been blackened by the things I've done in my life, I can't seem to memorize a single ayat without making serious tajwid mistakes.
I can't hear them from this corner so I reckon it is in my best interest not to pay attention to them. But I do feel like going over there to give them a good lecture. This is how my lecture would begin;
Pakcik-pakcik tahu tak orang muda dapat syufa'at di akhirat nanti. Diorang dapat perlindungan arasy Allah. Orang tua macam pakcik semua ni mana ada dapat syufa'at macam tu. Pakcik datang masjid sebab dah tak boleh pergi mana-mana. Nak pergi disko, dah tua. Nak pergi dangdut pun kena pakai duit. Duit dah tak ada banyak sebab makan gaji pencen. Nak duduk rumah tengok TV pun cerita tak sedap. Oleh kerana tak ada pilihan, pakcik datang masjid. Kalau ada pilihan - kalau umur pakcik masih muda mungkin tak sampai kat sini. Mungkin ada kat disko. Orang muda yang gagah dan hensem, dan kaya boleh pergi disko atau bungee jumping. Tapi diorang datang masjid. Diaorang boleh dapat girlfrens tapi diorang pilih datang masjid. Itu sebab Allah bagi diorang syufa'at yang istimewa. Untuk orang tua mana ada provision macam tu sebab masa muda-muda dulu masjid was the last thing in your mind. Now that you dah pencen, baru nak belajar Fiqh. Tu pun komplen tak habis2 pasal tak paham yang Fiqh ada macam2 qaul dan pendapat. Baru belajar Tasawuf satu muka surat dah rasa diri bersih macam malaikat. Baru belajar Usuluddin dah terasa macam wali. Tolonglah pakcik pencen, bacaan pakcik pun banyak yang tak betul - kalau nak ikut hukum tajwid, semua yang pakcik baca tu salah. 
Unfortunately, I'm not the kind who pick up a fight with old men like the pensioners. And so I let them be. Instead of confronting them, I reckon I write about them in a blog like this. Insya'Allah, I hope they will continue coming to the masjid until the 6th year. By then they'll change into a better person. A pensioner usually comes to the masjid the first 3 years. After that they go missing.


Blogger ZABS said...

Salam Bergen,
Itulah relaitinya kehidupan ini. Kita cepat menghukum orang. Mudah nampak kesalahan orang. Merasa diri tahu semuanya, walau pada zahirnya, ilmu tidak sebanyak mana.
Semoga orang pencen macam saya ni terusnya bekerja di lain bidang pula, supaya apabila pergi berjemah, bukan kerana tiada benda nak dibuat, tetapi kerana kewajipan untuk berjemaah.

11:20 AM  
Blogger Queen Of The House said...

Or orang-orang pencen can choose to go to the masjid AND also to blog and read blogs where they can be enlightened by reading what other people blog about orang pencen :P

11:28 AM  
Blogger Fauziah Ismail said...

Salam Bergen
The same thing happens in the muslimah section of the masjid. The elders tengok the young ones "atas bawah" like they are misplaced in a mosque just because they wear figure hugging baby-tees and jeans but with tudung covering their heads.
And yes, I find that more young people are going to the mosques while the number among the elders are dwindling.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Bergen said...

Zabs: That's true. Masjid isn't the place to go because one has ran out of things to do. It's easy to measure if our heart is really anchored to the masjid. Between meeting Elizabeth Taylor (in her prime youth) and going to the masjid. Between going to a business deal where you can make millions just by blinking and going to the masjid. Between watching your favorite football team on tv and going tot he masjid. Between watching your favorite movie and going to the masjid.

QOTH: LOL, a splendid idea there, ma'am.

Fauziah Ismail; This has two sides of the coin. The elders should at least appreciate that the young are coming to the masjid in greater numbers. And the young should respect the masjid by putting on appropriate attire to the masjid. One can't put on a seluar sukan and a battered t-shirt to a masjid.

11:57 AM  
Blogger tokasid said...

Salam Bergen:

What an observation and it is true.I can vouched for that. I agree with Pak Zabs regarding the hollier than thou attitude that many of us have( me included!)

May ALLAh shower us with His Rahmah and Hidayah,always.Ameen.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Salaam Bergen,
It is typical to see; both orang yang masuk masjid or surau pakai macam nak pergi toreh getah and commentator yang ada kat tepi-tepi masjid bercerita bagai nak rak hal-hal dunia kat atas masjid, atau pun yang ada kat beranda berbual-bual sambil hisap rokok. Both are wrong.
We really need to implement husn dzhann in our life, and to increase and implement 'ilm that we are trying to gain day in day out.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Bergen said...

Tokasid: It's so easy to fooled into thinking that we are holier than the next guy.

Akmal: Take it one day at time, sir.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Sir Pök Déng said...

Now I know pensioners only go to masjid during the first three years. Thank you Sir Bergen.

Once I witnessed a pensioner went to masjid. He performed the solat jemaah, then straight away to the back of the safs. He was lying his back to the wall with someone, chuckling something I never knew, until a young lad who sat beside him approached me to say: "Tengok ayoh aku tu. Selamba je. Lakor tobak pong. Spotting gile!"

He is my friend. Like father like son.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha...I am so amused :) u make my day......thank you...thank you....I pung mempunyai perasaang nak cakap stuff of that nature to sooo many people in sooo many masjids tho I don't really frequent that many however the not-so-many-masjids that i got to go, the same prevailing attitude......u put it down nicely...:) nowadays, masjid dah jadik tempat power-struggle pulak like the masjid next to my late granny's house....nasib baik my granny dah departed otherwise she will expire of heartburn..ha ha ha...kelakar seram banget :)


5:33 PM  
Blogger Kama At-Tarawis said...

Bergen - What an observation! Padat dan tepat sekali. Enough said.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Mior Azhar said...

That's the unfortunate reality.. but its the truth.. so we have to live with it ler kan...

8:02 PM  
Blogger Bergen said...

Pok Deng: 3 years is maximum. Minimum is 2 bulan.

Anonymous 5:63 : Dunia akhir zaman. But don't let something like to stop from coming to the masjid. Consider this a reminder that anyone can go this way.

Kama At-Tarawis: Thank you, ma'am.

Mior Azhar: Yup, you've gotta live with it. It's a dugaan. In a way it's good for us.

9:51 PM  
Blogger mamasita said...

Hai Bergen!Tak semua pensioners macam ni..ramai jugak frequent the masjid to cuba focus amal ibadat and kumpul banyak2 pahala.Maklumlah.Masa cari nafkah dulu,banyak amalan tercicir.The group you mention memang exist tapi not that many..I do agree that young girls who wear tight tshirts and jeans and atas kepala bertudung should change their attitude.Takde ker baju kurung or baju and seluar yang loose sikit?Basically yang pergi masijd ni more yang baik2 daripada yang irritating ones.Cuba you try sembahyang kat a different masjid?

10:02 PM  
Blogger jitraman said...

Salam, Saya rasa orang yang pergi berjemaah kemesjid nie dah bagus dah. Bukan di mesjid saja, di mana-mana pun kita akan berjumpa dengan golongan macam nie. Saya bersetuju dengan langkah penulis buat dalam mesjid. Semua ini mengajar kita untuk membezakan yang baik dari yang jahat. Tapi saya rasa saya lagi respect golongan ini dari yang tak pergi langsung kemesjid.

Just my 2 cts.


8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nawaitu orang susah nak dibaca
terutama yang datang solat di masjid, termasuk pensioners itu..
Siapalah kita kan?
Sekurang-kurangnya mereka datang juga menjenguk masjid.

3:49 PM  
Blogger Bergen said...

Mamasita: Yes, ma'am. Bukan semua pensioners macam tu. Like everything else in this world, we can't generalize about anything. I'm writing about what I've seen, I reckon it's not a generalization, cuma it is so happen that they are pensioners.

Jitraman: Saya cukup setuju dengan pandangan saudara. Yang pergi masjid adalah lebih baik dari yang tak pergi. Cuma kalau dah pergi, kita kena jaga-jaga agar pahala bonus yang kita dapat tu kita sia-siakan dengan melakukan perkara-perkara yang boleh merosakkan pahala yang baik.

Anonymous 3:49: There is no way we will ever know orang punya nawaitu. Orang pergi masjid ada macam-macam sebab dan tujuan. Ada yang pergi untuk merosakkan institusi masjid dengan agenda peribadi. Ada yang pergi atas tujuan politik. Ada yang pergi kerana benar-benar ikhlas nak beribadat - golongan ini biasanya kena tindas dan jauh terkebelakang dalam hal ehlwal pentadbiran masjid. Biasanya yang kehadapan ialah mereka yang berkepentingan tertentu yang kita tak perlu ambil tahu kerana itu semua bukan kita yang menentukan keputusannya. Cuma apa yang kita boleh buat ialah dengan menggunakan pertimbangan menggunakan akal yang Allah beri untuk menilai samada tindakan sesaorang itu boleh membantu meningkat iman, atau pun boleh memporak perandakan institusi masjid sesuatu kariah.

Dunia akhir zaman - masjid sudah menjadi medan atau arena untuk mereka yang mempunyai tujuan masing-masing.

Oleh itu, apabila kita dah dapat jemputan dari Allah untuk hadir ke masjid, kita hendaklah berhati-hati agar pahala yang Allah beri percuma itu kita tidak rosakkan. Samalah seperti nikmat mata yang Allah bagi kita untuk menfa'atkan dengan melihat benda2 baik. Tapi kita guna untuk tengok benda2 tak baik.

Yang pergi masjid tu baik, tapi tak ramai yang tahu menfa'atkan kebaikan itu untuk modal di akhirat. Apa yang terjadi ialah, pahala percuma itu dibuang dan di sia-siakan dengan mengumpat, menyumpah dan sebagainya.

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Bergen,(maaf, saya jarang ke masjid)

Jika macam itu
kita kenalah bantu mereka ini.
Kalau selepas dibantu mereka berubah daripada menyalahgunakan masjid, maka betullah hikmah dakwah yang digunakan.
Kalau selepas dibantu, mereka menjauhkan diri daripada menunaikan solat ke majid, maka hikmah dakwah yang digunakan, salah?
Susah juga. Secara jujur, saya tidak mampu. Saya tidak berkarisma untuk membantu mereka.

Walaubagimanapun, saya mendoakan moga-moga usaha murni untuk membantu mereka diberkati Allah s.w. Amin

Contoh mengenai fungsi mata yang saudara bagi, menarik.

7:41 PM  
Blogger abdullahjones said...


9:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'll pencen in about 5 years and 7 months. I hope I don't meet you in that mosque.

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bergen, i have been told off at many masjids for entering the premises for the intention of solat with a face full of make-up and a head full of long hair.

It is never my intention to disrespect the establishment but bila hati tergerak nak solat, I really don't want to wait until I get home in case tak sempat.

It had bugged me then that the pakcik-pakcik there would turn me away and obtstruct my intention to solat when they should be encouraging it. What, if i don't wear a tudung that means I can't n shouldn't pray? If I don't pray r u going to take responsibility for it? I'm more mindful nowadays, and put on my telekung and rub off my make-up before I enter the masjids.

It's too small a bone to pick and kalau telan pun tak mati.

3:42 PM  

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