Leaving On A Jet Plane Sunday
Studied Hadith Soheh Bukhari with Ustaz Hayei the past 18 years (each book takes about 3 years to finish). So far I have khatam up to book 5 continuing on to book 6. Maybe it is a good idea to get into Al-Azhar to study Qur'an for 3 years now that I failed the Qur'an studies at U.I.A. I know a few guys who did this and they're doing all right. They say the classes are pretty crammed but it's a good thing because all you do is study.
The chair in the background is purely accidental but it pretty much illustrates my status - I'm the plastic chair.
Salam Sir,
Glad to see that you look well. Alhamdulillah...
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An update!! And a picture! Good to see you smile, sir.
Ina, FH in Space, Sir Pok Deng: Good to hear from you. Here's wishing you good things and everything nice.
Salam Bergen
Selamat pergi dan balik, semoga mendapat haji mabrur Berg. Good to see you again. Thanks for the update.. Cage risau juga lama tak dengar kabar berita. Nok contact nombor pah maner doh hilang ...
Aha.. nice kopiah.. Great to see u sir.
I gtg to catch the 40 winks..
Wish u gud health, gud day and gud nite.
Salam Bergen,
Alhamdulillah. Laibaikallah hummalabaik...
Lagi kuat ujian ALLAh lagi kuat keteguhan saudara ku.
Doaku saudara di beri segala kelapangan dan kemudahan dalamsegala urusan Haji ini dan memperolehi Haji Mabrur.
Ameen ya Rabb.
Morning Sir... here you again, looking good... alhamdulillah..!
Salam Sir,
Been waiting for updates for ages. You look well, take care sir.
Selamat Menunaikan Fardhu Haji.
i dont think you'd think of yourself as plastic - you're a real human being, as real as...apa eh? Hahaha..
great to see you looking well...selamat mengerjakan haji...doakan saya pun dapat ye (doa dari orang baik2 makbul tauuuu!)
may Allah make it easy for you and accept your haj...
safe trip, may peace be with you.
GO chase your dream. I wish you all the best!
Salam Bergen
Selamat pergi dan balik ... semoga mendapat haji mabrur, insya'Allah.
Salam Sir Bergen,
Good to hear from you. Ingat naka sms tapi tengok you tak update blog, I was contemplating whether it is ok to 'kacau' you...
anyway, semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur dan sentiasa di dlm perlindungan dan limpahan rahmatnya...
alhamdulillah, you look well.
Salam Sir Bergen,
Wishing you all the best & safe trip. Moga mendapat haji mabrur..dan mudahan anda sentiasa dalam rahmat-Nya sentiasa.
sir Berg,
you never the plastic chair :)
my parents and 1 wished u, selamat menunaikan ibadah haji, selamat pergi dan kembali.
take care and my salaam to tanah suci makkah.
Salam Bergen,
Alhamdulillah!..all the best to you.
Selamat pergi dan kembali, semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur. Kalau ada kelapangan jangan lupa update. Jangan bagi kami gelisah menanti berita.
Bergen - selamat mengerjakan haji.. semoga mabrur & dipermudahkan segalanya.
And to add to everyone else - you look well, extremely well :D
bestnya..selamat menunaikan haji ya bro. semoga hajinya mabrur.
PS : merendah dirinya, anda bukan kerusi plastik la
Omygod omygod OMYGOD!!! At last!!
An update!!!
phew, I'm not exaggerating when I say this short update with a pic of your smiling and looking all well have made my day!!
terlambat nak wish, but xpe laa..
selamat beribadah, sir!!
selamat pergi dan balik semula!!
haji mabrur, iAllah..
Bergen, i was blog hopping n teringat kat u... hope u're doing well there & dilimpahi nikmat & rahmat NYA.
Salam Mr Berg
Semuga mendapat haji yang mabrur, insyaAllah..Amin...
Assalamualikum Bergen,
We share the Tok Guru,ie. Ustaz Hayei.
Saya mengikut kelas tafsir Al Quraan Ustaz Hayei setiap pagi kecuali Ahad di TTDI...such a great Man with a wealth of knowledge.
Semoga Tuan Di berkati Allah Jua
Salam Bergen,
Semoga mendapar haji yang mabrur. InsyaAllah.
Salam Bro. Bergen,
I've been looking for your update on the blog for the past few weeks (months?)... alhamdulillah, its GREAT to see you next to Ustaz Hayie (btw, in case you get to see him again, send my salam to him... mention cucu arwah Hj Ismail Hj Yusof of Lundang Paku..). Semoga mabrur haji nanti! Looking forward to more updates once you get back, inshaallah! [Baharudin Kadir aka Dhahran Sea... now in Ajman, UAE]
it's white - the plastic chair is.
tuan hj,
,,,my salute to you mate !
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