I MESS UP THE DAY BUT THAT'S OKAY BY ME because I get to meet Awang Goneng and Kak Teh on a Monday when all I needed to do was to read carefully the text message that Kak Teh had sent that we were to meet on a Thursday at 2.00 pm. You'd mess up the day too if you were Bergen who's waited a good three years to meet in person Awang Goneng and Kak Teh. And if you were Bergen, you'd be as glad as he is that he messed up the day because frankly, I don't think I have the patience to wait until Thursday to meet them up. It's 36 hours away and you gotta go through it second by second. And if you were Bergen you'd know that you needed to have lunch around 2 pm be it a Monday or a Thursday or a Saturday or what day of the week it is. So a 2 pm on a Monday is as good as a 2pm Thursday and for the life of me, I fail to see the difference between a Monday or a Thursday.
I had this for lunch and if you wonder what in the world is that stuff, it's the antenna compliment from the chef who somehow figured that my iPhone need the extra tentacles for crisp reception. Don't take my word for it. It's a Monday and you shouldn't take Bergen seriously on a Monday. But on a Thursday, you can count on a Bergen if you need someone to dust your house, or mop the floors.
To friends who left comments on my last entry 'They Told Me' - thank you. I hug you tight as a bear...
I stumble upon your blog, you are such a character, you remind me of me, I wish I have known you in person. Allah bless you and keep you going. Cycle mate and dont stop till it is over, doesnt matter if you mess up, I do. Take care.
oohh u do lunch with AG and KT today, eh? Good to know you are finally coming out of your shell..
Salam bro,
Hmm...I really need to have my eyes check. For a moment when I looked at the pictures, and that's before reading your entry, I thought Awang Goneng or you, had stuck something up his nose!
Bro, good to read you again :)
And should you not come back online before the 21st, let me be the first then to wish you Salam Ramadhan..
You kena makan by 2pm..saya kena makan by 12pm, mon, tue, wed, thurs or whatever...heheh
Hey! Do you mop for free? Does this mean I can save the 50 bucks i give the cleaning lady every week?
Book you for this Thursday! 8 to 3 ok? (lunch by 2pm, pick-up and deliver you back at your doorstep! mops and etc, my personal collection)
(cakap aje...tumpang lalu Bergen...wah, behind me by one minute...are we THAT close...heheh)
Its so nice to see you smiling and happy. Kak Teh and AG have succeeded in cheering you up to enjoy every precious moment..you're a real naughty fella..monopolise KT and AG all to yourself!!
Dear Sir,
You looked happy and I am glad. Wow! three famous bloggers in one spot!!! Wish I was there...
Salam Bergen
I need you on a Saturday where I will be moving house. Besides mopping, you move boxes too? Hehehehe ...
Keep well, bro.
hi bergen,
if that was your monday look, the thursday state of mind formula came through. you looked really good!
in fact the three of you looked very unmondaylike!
p.s. steady-aku to kt & ag, pakai kaler matching! :D
Pak Bergen,
Wah..berjumpa dengan Pak Awang dan Kak Teh.
Keep up writing Pak Bergen, take it as a therapy for you... you are great writer same as Pak Awang and Kak Teh.
Sehati sejiwanya the couple, eating the same thing, wearing the same colour.
You too Sir, cancer doesn't seem to wear you down. Not visibly.
My aunt will get an earful - she didn't tell me!! I would've wanted to kepoh and tag along!!! (Tak malu kan?)
Anyways, I put in a comment at your previous post but it didnt come out - just wanted to say that you're in my prayers and it's nice to see you smiling in those pics!
take care.
just had some fish and chips for dinner with the kids,came wrapped up in butcher's paper, ain't no crispy antenna and salad with tartare sauce as the side, just soggy with lots of vinegar and salt...cheers.
Such a relief to see you smile, sir.. =)
Bergen bro, tumpang lalu...
Tehsin, since I was a minute faster than you, takdak hadiah ka untuk I? Maybe, we can get Bergen to whip up a delicious meal. But don't tell him I say so lah :)
Salam Bergen.
Lunch at 2pm everyday? Sounds regimental. Or disciplined is a better way to put it.The stomach will be happy with that arrangement.
You meeting up with AG and KT, must be an interesting orchestra of Trengganuspeak with lots of English and a pinch of Utaraspeak thrown in. Or maybe its Kepoklekor with cheese and ikan pekasam!
Have a nice week bro.
wwaahh seronok nya dpt jumpa kakteh and pak awang :)
na tak sempat jumpa kak teh la..
u look well berg, good to see that :)
Bergen (tumpang lalu),
Cakapaje...his lamb sounds good...tapi dia makan pukul 2pm...gastrik la saya. Saya mesti makan kul 12pm...
cuba "cakapaje" kat dia...
Bergen, tumpang lalu again,
Tehsin, segan le I nak 'cakapaje' kat Bergen kita ni. Kalau you 'cakapaje' kat dia, leh le I tumpanh aje nanti.
Bergen, I must thank nadya for the phone number that led to the meeting - monday, thursday...who cares?
AG and I were at KLCC (again) as we didnt know where else to meet up, when your call came to say you were on the way.
AG and I played who got to spot Bergen first as we walked towards Nandos. I must admit, I didnt expect you to jump up and down the way you did. It was lovely to see you well, ....well, as well as can be expected. Dena gave me an earful via SMS.
Am glad we met up.
Bergen! Shah nak you buatkan special lamb you...tapi dia segan nak cakapaje kat you...so I tolong cakapkan aje...(tapi Saya nak tumpang makan...)
was that ok Shah?
Wah lunch to-gether2..saya teramat la jeles but awfully glad to see u well, all 3 of u ;)
My Dear Bergen,
'Twas such a pleasure. I have long admired the way you put pen to paper. Do take care: we all love you.
glad pak awang & kakteh sempat jejak kasih dgn sir berg di nandos KLCC.
safe trip home on 15th kakteh n sir awang :)
Anonymous 6:54 pm: Thank you for visiting. I try to cycle as often as I can. I have a renewed interest cycling now that I've got myself a Dutch city bike, which is more practical to have than a mountain bike. It's a fixed gear which is very practical because I don't change gears all that often when I ride the mountain bike - in fact I'm beginning to see that all those extra gears are quite redundant really. A city bike is different and it is catching in. A lot of manufacturers are coming up with interesting models. Breezer Uptown 8 has got a new line for their 2009 collection, but the price is a bit expensive though. Electra has also came up with a Batavus look-alike. I'm not sure if I can buy any of these here though. But for now I'm satisfied with a tough-built Africa Bike One by Kona.
Kama & Pak Abu: I heard you too had lunch with Awang Goneng and Kak Teh (and Pokku) at the Renaissance. Wish I could have joined you there but I was in Assunta the whole day for tests. We meet up nanti, okay?
Shah: LOL, yes, now that you mentioned it, I think the picture does look the way you mentioned. Salam Ramadhan Al Kareem to you too, Shah.
Saya: Yes, I have to eat by 2 pm. Like Swiss train, my life revolves around time and strict adherence to schedule. I get nervous if something goes out of line, but now I've learnt to relax. Take things as they come.
Mamasita: You'd be smiling too if you finally get to me Kak Teh and Awang Goneng after having waited for a good three years (and slightly more). As a matter of fact, I didn't realize that I jumped up and down with job upon seeing them coming up behind me he he.
Ina: I think I've put on a bit of weight. They tell me I need to have reserve energy for chemo, so I've been eating and eating - mostly fish though. And look where all those eating has gotten me...and I don't run and swim all that often these days.
Fauziah Ismail: LOL, yes I can help you pack but please don't ask me to arrange things on the same day. I usually reserve a day for arranging because I usually arrange things by alphabetical order. LOL, even spices in the kitchen goes this way.
Mekyam: On a Monday I usually put on a good pair of English shoes to make me feel good. And the shoes are usually polished on a Saturday evening. Hmm, my life is such a clockwork I gotta to get out of this routine for something more interesting...
Aliff Muhammad: Thank you, sir. I will try write something as a therapy. As a matter of fact I've collected a dossier on how to fight cancer ...my way, that is. he he.
Anonymous 10:56 am: No, ma'am/sir. I won't let cancer to wear me down. Or anything for that matter. I've lived by the adage that it doesn't take much to make me happy, but it's gonna take a whole lot to make me sad.
Anedra: Wish you were there, ma'am. It would be very very nice to meet up with one of the pioneer visitors to my blog. And talk about 'Australian Women Daily' he he
MM: I'm sure home-cooked fish and chips is far better than restaurant version. These days you can have store-bought chips or wedges, but I prefer these made at home. Nothing tastes better than home-cooked chips or wedges.
Azudesu: Thank you, ma'am. I smile to keep me feel good.
Shah/Tehsin a.k.a Saya: LOL, okay, I can promise you lamb taijin served with saffron rice. But I've ran out of Kashmir saffron and all I've got is that of Sudanese, which is of high quality too. For dessert we'll have rice pudding with crushed nuts and Sumatran coffee. Good? He he
Tokasid: Hmm, I need to reschedule my routine larr, doc. Maybe take a drive to Malacca whenever I don't feel like dusting the house, or polishing the shoes. Maybe I need to do things on impulse. Maybe I should start with Malacca...
Nadya: And we've got you to thank, ma'am. It was you who forwarded the number to Kak Teh that got us where we were on Monday 2 pm. Thanks. Salam to your dad.
Kak Teh & Awang Goneng: LOL, I somehow didn't know where the spring came from that made me jumped like Jack out of a box, when I saw you and Awang Goneng walking up from behind me. I felt as if my heart went up to my throat that I can't help but to almost shouted with joy, he he. Three long years of waiting for that moment to finally come true. To see both of you in person. Suddenly the cyber world I had built the last three years came crumbling down when I saw both of you and heard you said hello. And when I didn't realize it when I suddenly got the hug from Awang Goneng.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the moment.
Justiffa: I'd be jealous too if I were you, but don't worry. I'm sure the time will come you too will meet up with Kak Teh and Awang Goneng. And I'm sure one day I too will meet you in person.
I'm on a mission now to meet up in person people who visit my blog. To say thanks, and to see them in real life. Somehow, I've just gotta do it. I owe it to all of you. I do.
BERGEN: Here's to every one to who has been coming for a visit to my blog - I can never thank you enough. You make me feel good inside.
You folks stay sharp now, y'hear?
no lah, it wasn't home cooked fish and chips but bought from the chippies.my local does a beautiful flake. i ain't got the deep fryer to make it in nor do i want to worry about the conscience to dispose the oil responsibly! on a mission to meet all your readers? judging from the queue here, can i schedule mine in the new year?
take care..
Count me in on that mission of yours? Will be in your 'neighbourhood' soon. Drop me an email if you want Borneon oleh-oleh, ok. Take care and God bless you Bergs.
Lamb Tajine...sedapnye...I have some Iranian saffron...ok dak I bring mine...heheh
Shah! Yesss!!!
Btw Bergen,
You don't owe us anything...just focus on your health and getting well, InsyaAllah!
yes, i agree with Saya, you owe us nothing!! you hear that, dear sir??
oh but it would be really nice if we can make it! just takut nanti sy tergamam saje sbb terharu sgt2..hihi..
jaga diri k, sir bergen!!
Sir Bergeng,
Lamer doh amber dok maghi sini.
Tengok2 jer ader jumpa Kak teh and Sir AG.
Best !!
Selamat Berpuasa di Bulang Mulier
Salam Mr Bergen, may you have a blessed Ramadhan :)
Salaam Ramadhan, Sir. Hope you're doing fine.
take care. She has my prayers. You too.
Salam, this is me again anonymous, I have been visiting your blog on a regular basis, with the hope that you will have an update on your health conditions. May your Ramadhan be a good one and may you be bless always. Take care mate.
No updates and I am worried about you.
Have a blissful Eid, dear Sir.
May overflowing blessings come your way.
Selamat hari raya, berg.
peace be with you.
chin chin (teh only lah..)
dear bergen,
selamat hari raya aidilfitri... hope you have a good one!
Salam Mr Berg,
Fashionably late again (perasan).. but this time for good reason ... (dari pregnant sampai dah safely delivered... hehehe...)
Still in time to wish 'Salam Aidil Fitri & Maaf Zahir Batin'.
And re what they told u, my prayers for your wellness, Mr Berg. Allah jua yg maha mengetahui dan maha mengasihani.
U take care!
I'm waiting for your latest updates, sir bergeng. I noticed that you keep Lian-ing at the moment. Hope you're getting well.
sir, where are you. blog please, kinda missed ya!
take care n speedy recovery.
Friends, thank you thank you for visiting. You mean so much to me and yes, gotta say this so you know...
I write, therefore I am Bergen.
Does it make any sense to ya?
oddly, it does! ;D
i think that's why we keep coming back to check you out at your blog.
so keep berging, ya!
and keep well, you're always in our thoughts and prayers.
ha ha,it's bergen that i am reading and writing to, not that mr b that does the lian stuff nor the guy that sits on that white plastic chair next to the very majestic looking leather binded seat ..
makes sense, yes..
i genuinely adore your own writing choice, very charming.
don't give up as well as keep creating for the simple reason that it just simply that is worth to look through it.
looking forward to look over a whole lot more of your current posts, thanks ;)
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