Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Baseball Cap, Harvest Hat And Hijab

The hijab became popular somewhere in the late 70s or the early 80s, or was it the middle 80s.  One thing for sure, it wasn't part of the dress for Malay women in the 50s or 60s.  Back then the women went about town with Holywood style hairdo.  There was no pressure from culture or religion to cover the hair and women were free to do their hair any which way they like.  My cousin used to run a hairdressing salon that kept her busy all day but brought her much fortune with enough money to invest in property and land.  The hairdo went well with the type of dress popular back then where women wore Baju Kebaya and Batik Sarong, flowing skirts with 4" belt and matching shoes.  They also carried matching handbags.  Shoes and handbags are still part of Malay women's dress but the skirt and Baju Kebaya have long been forgotten as these are deemed unIslamic.  A woman in baju kebaya, the kind worn by the flight stewardess of our national carrier, can be a little revealing and sensuous to those with extra imaginative mind, I reckon.  I think an extra imaginative mind will find Burqa sensuous too.

You don't see Malay women in kebaya anymore but you will see them in baju kurung and hijab everywhere you go.  Those who don't don the hijab are considered unIslamic and arrogant as they are categorised as being unhappy with how a woman should dress in public, especially in matters concerning exposing her hair for all and sundry to see.

How times have changed. 


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